Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Separation of Mixtures Lab and Cromatography Lab

From all of our labs we have concluded that the labs were very fun! Also that separating the mixtures was difficult but my idea of sifting the iron chips into beakers until we have separated the iron form the sand. We were right in the mark when we did the final weight of the mixtures. Over all with sifting the mixtures I thought we did very well.

In the chromatography lab I learned that the colors with more mass travel to the edge of the paper faster. The colors with more mass were usually the darker colors. The colors with less mass would stay closer to the center of the paper. Doing this lab I have learned about mass moment and how to make pretty art without embarrassing my self by drawing.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Properties of Matter!!

Properties of Matter

 With my research I have found that Chemistry is the study of the properties and behavior of matter. Chemistry is the branch of science that studies composition, structure, and the changes that properties of matter undergo. Did you know that EVERYTHING has matter?? Can you take a guess what isn't matter?.... ENERGY. Energy is the only substance that isn't matter. What is matter you say? Well if you ask yourself these questions you can answer that question: Does it take up space? Does it have mass? If you say yes to these questions then it is matter. So lets ask is air matter? Well does it take up space?... Yes. Does it have mass?.... Yes. So yes air is matter!

 States of matter

Can there be more that 3 states of matter? Yes there are a few more one is plasmas, Bose-Einstein condensation in Dilure Gases, Fermionic Condensates.
Types of Matter: Pure Substance contain elements and compounds another is a Mixture contains homogeneous and heterogeneous.
Substance- is matter of a particular kind. Each substance has its own unique blend of properties that are different from the set of properties of any other substance.
ELEMENTS: The purest or simplest form of a substance is an element. There are 117 known elements and 94 elements that occur naturally.
COMPOUND:  A pure substance containing more that 1 different element are known as compounds. Elements in compounds are compounds are combined in a definite ratio.
MOLECULE- A substance of 2 or more atoms in a definite arrangements held together by a chemical bond.
DIATOMIC MOLECULE- Contains 2 or more atoms
POLYATOMIC MOLECULE- Contains more than 2 atoms
MIXTURE- Consists 2 or more different physically combined substances like a salad!! YUM
Two types of mixtures: Heterogeneous- different and Homogeneous- the same.


A salad represents the physical properties: the ingeredients are each a physical item a tomato, onion, cucumbers etc.. Each mixing together to create something tasty and delicious. The plus side to this physical mixture is that it is a little easier to to sort out unlike a chemical mixture a chemical mixture has many properties to it and those can be very hard to sort out. A chemical could react with another chemical and form to a whole new chemical. Which with that happening it will take more time and thinking to decode the mixture. If I had to decode a mixture I would most defenitly choose a physical mixture.
  • Solution is a special type of mixture it combines a solute and solvent.
  • Properties of matter are physical and chemical properties.

  • Science uses a select group of the metric system called the SI units.

My information resource.