Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Elements and Such

We started off by learning about mole day. Mole day is a strange holiday where the holiday starts on 10/23 at 6:02 a.m. and ends some where around 6:02 p.m. The mole is 6.02 x 10^23 this is 1 mole. Amado Avogadro is a scientist of physics and math. He began studied in both but later he began to think of a hypothes that equal volumes of gasses contain the same number of molecules later that hypothesis became a law also known as Avogadro's Law. The mole day has a cute little furry animal called a Mole believe it or not so I created a little foil mole that looked more like a ball of foil than the mole, but the object of creating this mole out of foil is to use .5 mole of aluminum. I weighed the starting foil and was right on but after I created the mole it became heavier because of the crushing the made the volume heavier. Here is a funny mole joke which i take no credit for but i enjoy it still. What is chemical nonsense?.... MOLE-archy:). Here is a youtube video explaining all about the mole:) I really like this website it is kahn acadamy it is a good website to go to if you don't understand something in science and  or in math.

A few days after Mole day we started on a periodic table scavenger hunt and during this worksheet I noticed some trend in the periodic table. Also learned more of the placement of the elements like: 

Other nonmetalsHalogensNoble gases
Alkali metalsAlkaline earth metalsLanthanoidsTransition metalsPost-transition metals

If you click Periodic Table it will take you to the website I used to do the scavenger hunt. And my paper is below.

After the scavenger hunt I learned that the periodic table has many trends and also that they have trends for a reason.  The periodic table has columns and rows of varying sizes. The reason behind the table's odd shape becomes clear if it is divided into sections, or  blocks,  representing the atom's energy sub level being filled with valence elections. Because there are four different energy sub levels (s, p, d, and f), the periodic table is divided into four distinct blocks. The s block consists of group 1A and 2A, the p block is 3A through 8A, the d- block consists of 3B through 8B and continues through 1B and 2B.  Here are some example problems on my paper that shows I know what the periodic table is about and what consists with in it.


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