Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Standard 8 self-analysis 2nd quarter

Remembering what I did in chemistry:

  1. Worksheets
  2. Elements and Such
  3. Conductivity Lab
  4. Into to Ionic bonding and Ionic Compound Formulas
  5. Magnesium Lab
  6. Covalent Bonds
  7. Types of Reaction
What is important about it:
Each blog I wrote was very interesting and fun. The class was just engaging to be in. I enjoyed learning about the elements, the magnesium lab and the types of reaction lab. The blogs and book work gave me more knowledge of Chemistry.

The only reason I apply chemistry to life everyday is because I have it 1st hour. I guess I could use chemistry everyday somehow.

This 2nd quarter has gone by fast but I think I did my best. My blogs were really interesting, in-depth, and detailed. Most has really good references and youtube videos that enhanced the blog and my showed my knowledge of the subject I'm talking about. So I would give myself an A for effort.

Form the 1st quarter I think I reached my goal of putting more visual effects into my blog and using more technology in the class. I also have reached my goal if having deeper explanations of what we were studying. This next quarter I would like to get better and writing blogs and getting more 4's. For this next quarter my goal is to get all 4's. 

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