Thursday, March 14, 2013

Std 8 #3

Remebering: What I did in Chemistry is:

  1. Mole Calculations,Popcorn lab and % of water lab
  2. AgNo3 + Cu Lab
  3.  Gas Behavior Lab

What is important about it:

Each blog was interesting to write and learn whats new in the world of biology and just a new insight of the world of Chemistry.


I could apply this in everyday life. Biology is very important with what I want to become. I want be become a nurse practioner so this field of science is essential to medical school. Also I think chemistry is cool when we dont have to use the mole.


How I did this 3rd quarter was good. I enjoyed all the labs we did. I really didn't like the mole maily because I'm not good at math. But all the chemistry expriments were extreamily fun!


Next quarter I could put some youtube videos, websites, and just more visual effects to my blogs to give a further explanition of what we are studing. Also I need to get better at writing in my blogs.  I have everything in my head but writing it it comes out wrong but I am trying.

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