Monday, April 15, 2013

Chem Tech project

In the last quarter of school we started a project. My project was about leukemia. This is a very touching project because in October I lost my grandfather to this type of cancer. The doctors diagnosed him in 2001 right after my brother was born. The doctors gave him a life sentence of 5 years but beat it. But he lived until 10/11/12 (12 years) which was amazing he was a strong man and a very good man. I looked up to him a lot. He would travel to the Mayo center in Minnesota to receive cancer treatment. He went through chemo, bone marrow transplant, Spinal Tap, and radiation. I remember that everything changed we would have to be so clean around him because of all these treatment he had no immune system so any sickness had the possibility of killing him. But he was a strong man to live past his sentence (5 years). But this Chem tech project really brought a new perspective of what a cancer patient goes through. I remember saying good bye to him and that i loved him. That was the most painful thing i have ever had to do. To see someone dying of cancer is really hard because they just shrink up. But Leukemia is a hard cancer because it is in your blood stream and effects everything in your body.


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