Monday, May 20, 2013

Standard 8 Self Analysis

Remebering: What I did in Chemistry is:

  1. Intermolecule Forces Lab
  2. Chem Tech Project
  3. LABS!!! (3 in one prezi)

What is important about it:

Each blog was interesting to write and learn whats new in the world Chemistry and I think the labs we did gave me a better understanding of Chemistry that its not all about numbers that you can actually have fun with Chemistry.


I can really apply this in everyday life because I have chemistry class 1st hour! And I think some chemistry will help me in the ling run when I need it for college. 


How I did this 4th quarter was actually really good because I put a lot of work into every post because 2 of them were labs and I think both are really big prezi's and one is a Project about leukemia which was hard for me to talk about because my grandfather has just recently pass away because of this cancer, but I am glad I got the word out because I think people need to know how sever a blood cancer can be. 

This is my last quarter in Chemistry :( I think I did really well and achieved my goals in this  class I didn't do much blogging because this las quarter was a lot of labs which involved group members so we calibrated and did prezi's. I am most proud of my chem tech project because I worked really hard on it and I think I succeeded!! 

Monday, May 13, 2013


This is a prezi for all the labs we have done. We have the crystal,beer law and an acid titration lab. The first lab we did was crystals which we learned about solutions, solutes, I think the most interesting part is the dissolving concept. With and a medium sized beaker we used Id say a little under 13 oz of crystal mix. Which was pretty amazing because its just a little water and it kept dissolving!!!!!! CRAZY... The beer law it was fun but not as fun as the crystal lab.. And lastly we have the acid titration lab with was fun i liked when the acid turned pink.. My job was to turn the nosel on our huge graduated cylinder. It was interesting to see how much acid you can put in water until it turned pink.