Monday, May 20, 2013

Standard 8 Self Analysis

Remebering: What I did in Chemistry is:

  1. Intermolecule Forces Lab
  2. Chem Tech Project
  3. LABS!!! (3 in one prezi)

What is important about it:

Each blog was interesting to write and learn whats new in the world Chemistry and I think the labs we did gave me a better understanding of Chemistry that its not all about numbers that you can actually have fun with Chemistry.


I can really apply this in everyday life because I have chemistry class 1st hour! And I think some chemistry will help me in the ling run when I need it for college. 


How I did this 4th quarter was actually really good because I put a lot of work into every post because 2 of them were labs and I think both are really big prezi's and one is a Project about leukemia which was hard for me to talk about because my grandfather has just recently pass away because of this cancer, but I am glad I got the word out because I think people need to know how sever a blood cancer can be. 

This is my last quarter in Chemistry :( I think I did really well and achieved my goals in this  class I didn't do much blogging because this las quarter was a lot of labs which involved group members so we calibrated and did prezi's. I am most proud of my chem tech project because I worked really hard on it and I think I succeeded!! 

Monday, May 13, 2013


This is a prezi for all the labs we have done. We have the crystal,beer law and an acid titration lab. The first lab we did was crystals which we learned about solutions, solutes, I think the most interesting part is the dissolving concept. With and a medium sized beaker we used Id say a little under 13 oz of crystal mix. Which was pretty amazing because its just a little water and it kept dissolving!!!!!! CRAZY... The beer law it was fun but not as fun as the crystal lab.. And lastly we have the acid titration lab with was fun i liked when the acid turned pink.. My job was to turn the nosel on our huge graduated cylinder. It was interesting to see how much acid you can put in water until it turned pink.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Chem Tech project

In the last quarter of school we started a project. My project was about leukemia. This is a very touching project because in October I lost my grandfather to this type of cancer. The doctors diagnosed him in 2001 right after my brother was born. The doctors gave him a life sentence of 5 years but beat it. But he lived until 10/11/12 (12 years) which was amazing he was a strong man and a very good man. I looked up to him a lot. He would travel to the Mayo center in Minnesota to receive cancer treatment. He went through chemo, bone marrow transplant, Spinal Tap, and radiation. I remember that everything changed we would have to be so clean around him because of all these treatment he had no immune system so any sickness had the possibility of killing him. But he was a strong man to live past his sentence (5 years). But this Chem tech project really brought a new perspective of what a cancer patient goes through. I remember saying good bye to him and that i loved him. That was the most painful thing i have ever had to do. To see someone dying of cancer is really hard because they just shrink up. But Leukemia is a hard cancer because it is in your blood stream and effects everything in your body.


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Intermolecule Forces Lab

This is a power point about 6 alcohol's and what their evaporation rates are. We have graphs showing the audience what alcohol was the fastest evaporation rate and an explanation of the graph.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Std 8 #3

Remebering: What I did in Chemistry is:

  1. Mole Calculations,Popcorn lab and % of water lab
  2. AgNo3 + Cu Lab
  3.  Gas Behavior Lab

What is important about it:

Each blog was interesting to write and learn whats new in the world of biology and just a new insight of the world of Chemistry.


I could apply this in everyday life. Biology is very important with what I want to become. I want be become a nurse practioner so this field of science is essential to medical school. Also I think chemistry is cool when we dont have to use the mole.


How I did this 3rd quarter was good. I enjoyed all the labs we did. I really didn't like the mole maily because I'm not good at math. But all the chemistry expriments were extreamily fun!


Next quarter I could put some youtube videos, websites, and just more visual effects to my blogs to give a further explanition of what we are studing. Also I need to get better at writing in my blogs.  I have everything in my head but writing it it comes out wrong but I am trying.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Gas Behavior Lab

We have been working on 3 labs. All three were very fun lab except for the fact that we had a few technical difficulties while working through these labs. Our first lab was a Volume vs Pressure, Pressure vs Temperature and lastly Temperature vs Volume. 

Our 1st lab was Volume vs. Pressure. What we did was stack books on a syringe with the red pressure blocks on top, but this was the way we tested the volume by how much pressure we can put on it. We got up to six books. and the put them on the plunger looking thing. This was a fun experiment. As you can see with the graph you can see the stats of what has been happening.  

This is the plunger looking thing that we put the books on. 

Our next lab was Temperature vs Volume this is where we had a test-tube hooked up to to a temperature probe and placed them in a tube of ice (0'C) and HOT bath (80'C) and a warm bath (50'C).  We waited until we saw a change in the syringe weather the piston moved up or down. With the ice the piston moved down and the warm baths moved the piston up ward.


Our last experiment is Pressure vs Temperature this is where we had a computer out and hooked up a pressure sensor to a test tube to measure how much pressure is in the test-tube in a certain temperature. We had a hot bath (80'C) Ice bath (0'C) Warm bath (50'C). The graph below shows the pressure for the certain temperature. The colder the temperature less pressure the higher the temperature the greater the pressure.
Hot bath connected to the pressure sensor.
This is a diagram of a TV and you put your penceil in the holes. If you put it in the pressure slot it explains if that temperature and volume that if pressure goes up volume and temperature will decrease and if pressure goes down they increase. For the temperature slot if the volume goes up the pressure will decrease and if pressure goes up volume will decrease. For the volume slot if it increases the temperaute and pressure decrease and if volume decreases the temperature and pressure will increase.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

AgNo3 + Cu Lab

With this lab we conducted an experiment to find the silver in a copper wire and distilled water and the next day we shook the silver off the copper wire and siphoned it through filter paper. A weekend later we have dried silver that Mr. Ludwig will make millions off :)