Saturday, October 6, 2012


Did you know that light is a type of electromagnetic radiation? Electromagnetic radiation is a kind of energy and acts like a wave as it travels through a space. (Examples of that incule X ryas, Radio waves, and Microwaves. ) Waves can be characterized by their wavelength, amplitude, frequency, and speed. The shortest distance between equivalent points on a continuous wave is called a wavelength. The height of a wave from the origin to a crest or from the origin to a trough is the aptitude.  Frequency is the number of waves that pass a given point in one second. The SI unit for frequency is Hertz which is the same to one wave per second.
With this diagram you can see what a wavelength, frequency, and what amplitude is and what the symbol is for wavelength.

 I looked through a spectroscope at 9 different lights.. The lights we looked at through the spectra scope are in order from the longest wave length color with the highest frequency (red), then the colors become shorter- orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Violet has the shortest wave length with the lowest friquency. Also with every light we observed it gave off a gas and the gas that I observed had a different spectra for each light. 

My lab with the spectrum and diffrent lights. With the lab is a scale the scale is what was inside the spectrascope the wavelength the higher the number the longer the wavelength and the higher the frequency.



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